Teachers, librarians, school administrators, and others are scrambling to gather information and resources dealing with the CCSS.
The first result of my search, "Digital teaching platforms: customizing classroom learning for each student" sounded like such a great resource, I immediately plugged the title into Amazon, read more about it, and sent it on to our collection development committee for possible inclusion into our collection at SDSL. The fact that 249 libraries already own this book is also of note. A month ago, there was great emphasis on Digital Learning Day, so this book seems to fit right along with that.
In addition, looking at the rest of the results on the first page, I noted that the SDSL already owns many of these titles. We are actively trying to purchase materials for use within DOE as well as for use by those individuals noted at the beginning of this post.
There are many specific titles that can be found in WorldCat that would be of interest for schools to borrow or purchase. Many books deal with how to teach certain standards, so teachers, librarians, and others can look at the CCSS for math and ELA and order or borrow specific titles that would help develop lessons.
Great find, Brenda! Thanks for your work here and continuing to build the State Library's collection in this area.